Let's see how we can work together!
Here are 3 broad ways we can work together. Pick one, and let's go from there.
Let's be a team!
Here are 3 ways you can work with us as an individual.
Let's be a team!
Here are 3 ways you can work with us as an individual.
The Responsible Yuva (T.R.Y.) is a collection of culturally sensitive, informative, and enjoyable workshops for underserved youth around civic sense, values, and sex education. The topics we cover under this program are often ignored as a result generational stigmatization. Some of these topics are as follows.



safe & unsafe touch


gender, sex, & sexual orientation
LGBT+ identities

No means no.

safer sex


By providing students the necessary information on these topics in an informal and thoughtful setting, we facilitate our students to know right from wrong, and to make responsible decisions. This is instrumental in building an ethical generation which understands and appreciates feminism, and, by extension, lends their support in reducing gender-related crimes. This also makes students understand the concept of consent (sexual and otherwise) better from a young age. We, at Super School India, believe that it is our responsibility to educate our children on these essential topics despite the push-back because it is the need of the hour in our country. The sessions are conducted regularly for underserved students at our centre, as well as for other students through collaboration with various schools in Delhi. The facilitators are responsible role models to our students as they educate them on a weekly/monthly basis and deal with their doubts and fears about their bodies, growing up, puberty, sex, relationships, and so on.

The idea to introduce a sex education program came to our founder, Radhika Mittal, while interacting with the children already enrolled into our English-speaking program. During one of the classes at our centre, Radhika learnt that a female student had stopped coming for class because she had been eve-teased by a few men on her way to the centre. As the discussion unfolded on what Super School could do, Radhika noticed that one of the students seemed dissatisfied with the discussion. When asked about it, the student replied, “If she looks back and smiles, isn't it obvious that she'll be teased?” This is when Radhika realized that the children also lacked good values, but with no fault of their own. She realized that simply giving the children the skills to move ahead would be a useless feat if they did not grow up to be good individuals and responsible citizens. Since coming into effect in the year 2017, The Responsible Yuva has directly impacted over 1,800 children and young people, and indirectly impacted more than 5,200 children.
our partner for child safety